Here are some things to look out for and be aware of when considering to travel amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.

Summer 2020 is definitely turning out to be differently to what anyone could've planned it to. The travel restrictions are keeping many people from traveling, but in some countries you are allowed to travel to certain locations. So if you are going on a trip or a vacation soon, here's a few points to be aware of.
1) inform yourself about the restrictions at the location you will be traveling to.
There is a high chance that there are various different rules at your destination than in your country. There might be a mask requirement at al times of day, no matter where you are or possibly just in public transport. Furthermore, be aware about the rules and keep your distance from other people.
2) bring multiple masks
Wearing a mask is a must when flying and we would advise you to wear an ffp mask (equivalent to a medical mask) if possible. They protect you and the people around you and are more effective than the normal cloth masks, that we're mostly used to.
Following your flight, as you arrive at your destination we advise you to swap to another mask that you should have brought as it is important to not use the same one too often, otherwise it won't work after some time.
3) wash your hands and keep distance
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but very important. Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds is one of the most important things you can do in order to protect yourself and others during this time; as well as keeping distance from people whether it be at the airport or the grocery store. Keep distance to everyone but your household.
4) stay in
Choose a place to stay at that is not in the centre of a city and try to stay there most of the time. This will therefore help you save money due to not going out to eat that often. Your saved money could go towards getting better accommodation. It is hard when being on vacation, but maybe renting a nice villa with a pool or just a comfortable place in general is helpful to stay in and helps you to enjoy your holiday without being in contact with many other people. You can also do some nice and easy home-cooked meals to enjoy outside and try out something new that you always wanted to, but could never find the time for.
5) enjoy the silence
Try logging off for a bit and relax. It can also be nice to just do nothing once in a while and enjoy life without so much going on. Recharging yourself is very important and now seems like the perfect time to do so. You could try out Yoga or anything else you may have an interest for.
With everything going on right now we wanted to say a huge thank you to all the health care workers who are out there everyday and doing the impossible. Helping others and just being there for each other is very important and everyone can do their part and help in any kind of way, even if it's 'just' wearing a mask.
Our heart goes out to everyone who is struggling with the current situation and we wish you a speedy recovery.
With this article we in no way want to pledge you to travel. From own experience we can definitely say that the distance can not be kept at all times and there are many people who do not wear their mask as advised.
If you do decide to travel, we want to spread awareness about things that could be helpful while traveling, to make it safer for you and your environment.
So stay safe and stay healthy :)